Forum Course Preference and First Writing Requirement Preference
Computing ID is the numbers/letters in your email address before ""
Please indicate the subject area for the First Writing Requirement ( course in which you would like to enroll. The subject area is a three or four letter sequence such as "HIST" for History or "PHIL" for Philosophy. The appropriate subject code can be found in SIS. For the First Writing Requirement these subjects are usually limited to ENWR, ENLT, and ENCW.
Please indicate the ENWR or alternative First Writing Requirement course level that you intend to enroll. This is the number following the mnemonic "ENWR" (example: ENWR "1510")
Please indicate the specific class you want to take by entering the unique class number here. This is the unique 5 digit number in the first column in SIS next to the specific class you want to enroll.
Please select the days of the week that conform with the specific ENWR course you have selected.
Please indicate the alternate class you want to take by entering the unique class number here. This is the unique 5 digit number in the first column in SIS next to the alternate class you want to enroll.
Please select the days of the week that conform with the alternate ENWR course you have selected
Please indicate the subject area for the Forum course you would like to pre-enroll in. The subject area is a three or four letter sequence such as "HIST" for History or "PHIL" for Philosophy. The appropriate subject code can be found in SIS.
Please indicate the Forum course level that you intend to enroll. This is the number followed by the three/four letter Course Subject (example: PSYC "2600")
Please indicate the specific class you want to take by entering the unique class number here. This is the unique 5 digit number in the first column in SIS next to the specific class you want to enroll.
If your Preferred Forum Course has a required discussion section, please indicate the specific section you want to take by entering the unique "section" class number here. This is the unique 5 digit number in the first column in SIS next to the specific discussion section you want to enroll.
Please indicate the subject area for the Forum course you would like as an ALTERNATE. The subject area is a three or four letter sequence such as "HIST" for History or "PHIL" for Philosophy. The appropriate subject code can be found in SIS.
Please indicate the Forum course level for your ALTERNATE course. This is the number followed by the three/four letter Course Subject (example: PSYC "2600")
Please indicate the ALTERNATE class you want to take by entering the unique class number here. This is the unique 5 digit number in the first column in SIS next to the ALTERNATE class you want to enroll.
If your Preferred Forum Course has a required discussion section, please indicate the specific section you want to take by entering the unique "section" class number here. This is the unique 5 digit number in the first column in SIS next to the specific discussion section you want to enroll.
By accepting the terms here within, you understand that the courses you have indicated are preferences only. Our academic advising staff will work diligently to meet your preferences, though enrollment is not guaranteed and based on availability at the time of pre-enrollment. You will be notified if we are unable to enroll you in your preferred course.